Challenges and Opportunities of the New Space Economy – Bologna Business School (BBS) – University of Bologna

The Bologna Business School (BBS) is happy to present the Open Course “Challenges and Opportunities of the New Space Economy “, directed by Prof. Anna Masutti, that will be held at on the 25-26 October 2024 and 15-16 November 2024. The presentation of the course is available.

The course is a high-level training programme that aims to support participants in maximising their business impact, supporting their personal and professional growth and offering the tools and skills needed to identify and intercept business opportunities associated with the development of satellite technologies and the use of space.

The course aims at providing tools and information not only for those already working within companies in the sector, but also for those wishing to gain more knowledge about the opportunities of the New Space Economy and  it will also be an opportunity of networking between participating companies and speakers.

More information on registration fees are available on BBS website. Discounts are available:

  • for enrollments received before the 25 September 2024;
  • for Business Network companies;
  • for Alma/BBS and Profingest Alumni;
  • for groups of at least 3 people.

The fee includes attendance of the programme, all study materials available through the online platform and access to Bologna Business School services, which include personal Alma wi-fi account, use of study areas.

For any other information: and


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