Executive Course International Contracts in Aerospace Industries 5-7 July 2017 – Roma Italy


**********************************************************************************************The second edition of the Executive Course offers a three  day program, targeting mainly professionals and managers from the aerospace and aviation industry. Thiscourse provides a thorough theoretical and practical analysis of the vaal Contracts in Aerospace Industriesrious sources and principles of law that govern international contracts in aerospace and aviation industry. The first edition of the Executive Course (a sixday program) was held in 2016 in Torino.


During the course you will gain a comprehensive legal and business knowledge along with a practical understanding
of key issues. By the end of the course you would have to:

  • understand the basics of contract law and drafting principles widely applied in the aerospace and
    aviation industry;
  •  identify and analyze the sources of contract law;
  • understand the rights and liabilities of parties involved in such contracts;
  • acquired exposure to finance, insurance and relevant legislations; aerospace competition law;
  • understand liquidated damages and penalty clauses;
  • understand arbitration clauses, choice of applicable law and ADR mechanisms;
  • improved skills in recognizing and analyzing key legal issues, applying effective strategies and techniques to control the progress of negotiation and formation of a contract.

The lecturers are highly recognized academics with a longstanding reputation in aerospace and aviation law. The expansion of global trade has resulted in an increasingly high degree specialization in international  contract practices. The jurisdictional complexity of such contracts has led to a rapid growth in the role of alternative dispute settlement mechanisms. For this
reason the course also focuses on arbitration and alternative dispute settlement mechanisms. Arbitration is a practical alternative for international disputes, as it offers a neutral forum and avoids litigating in either party’s national courts, especially in disputes involving states or incumbent operators. The potential suitability of arbitration for space disputes has been acknowledged by the issuance of dedicated arbitration rules for outer space before the Permanent Arbitration Court in 2011.( read more information in FORTHCOMING EVENT  / ARCHIVE)
