Articles by admin

11th WALA Conference

  “Celebrating 100 Years of Air Law: A New Century for Airport Law, Regulation and Economics”. 11th WALA Conference will be taking place in Bogota, Colombia, on October 9-11, 2019, kindly hosted by El Dorado…

IATA Legal Symposium 2019

The IATA Legal Symposium is the world’s premier annual aviation law event, with a reputation for insight, relevance and value among in-house counsel, private practitioners and government lawyers alike. The event is well known for…

Drones And Aerodromes: Threats And Opportunities

This new conference will focus on the recent developments in the use of non-military drones and their effect on aircraft operations. The debates will cover the concerns of both aircraft operators and airports.  Furthermore, this…


Anna Masutti, Lexjus Sinacta Law Firm and University  of Bologna and Filippo Tomasello, EuroUSC Italia Ltd and University Giustino Fortunato, Italy ‘The two authors, of renowned and indisputable reputation, qualification and authority, rise to their challenge with…